Dealing with a blocked drain caused by hair can be a common and frustrating issue for many homeowners. When showers, sinks, or tubs become clogged with hair, it’s essential to address the problem promptly to restore proper drainage. In this article, we’ll explore effective solutions and provide valuable tips on how to fix a blocked drain with hair, helping you tackle the issue with confidence.

The Culprit: How Hair Causes Drain Blockages
Hair is a major culprit when it comes to drain blockages. As it goes down the drain, hair tends to get tangled, creating a mesh-like barrier that traps other debris and slows down water flow.

Over time, this accumulation of hair can cause a complete blockage if left unattended.

Prevention Is Key: Hair Catchers and Regular Maintenance
To prevent hair blockages in the first place, consider installing hair catchers or strainers in your drains. These simple yet effective devices catch hair before it goes down the drain, reducing the likelihood of clogs.

Additionally, regular drainage maintenance is crucial. If you are unable to take out a maintenance plan with our drainage engineers, we recommend you regularly remove any visible hair from the drain surfaces to prevent it from accumulating and causing blockages.

DIY Solutions: Unclogging Drains Blocked with Hair
If you’re faced with a hair blockage in your drain, here are a few DIY solutions you can try:

a. The Bent Wire Hanger Method: Straighten a wire hanger and create a small hook at one end. Insert it into the drain and carefully manouver it to pull out the trapped hair. Dispose of the hair properly.

b. Baking Soda and Vinegar: Pour a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar. Let the mixture sit for about 30 minutes, then flush it with hot water. This combination can help break down the hair clog.

c. Hot Water Flush: Boil water and carefully pour it down the drain in stages, allowing a few seconds between each pour. The hot water can help dissolve the hair and clear the blockage.

Professional Assistance: When DIY Isn’t Enough
In some cases, hair blockages may be more stubborn or located deeper within the plumbing system. When DIY solutions prove ineffective, it’s wise to seek professional assistance. Our experienced drainage engineers are equipped with specialised tools, such as drain snakes or hydro jetting equipment, allowing us to effectively remove the hair clog and restore proper drainage.

Maintenance Tips for Hair-Free Drains
To keep your drains free from hair clogs in the future, consider implementing these maintenance tips:

a. Regularly clean hair catchers or strainers, removing any trapped hair. 
b. Avoid washing excessive amounts of hair down the drain. 
c. Brush or comb your hair before showering to reduce loose hair going down the drain. 
d. Schedule professional drain cleaning at least once a year to prevent hair build-up and ensure optimal drainage.

When faced with a blocked drain caused by hair, it’s essential to take action promptly. By implementing preventive measures, utilising DIY solutions, and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can effectively fix a blocked drain with hair.

Remember to practice regular maintenance to keep your drains flowing freely and enjoy hassle-free plumbing in your home.

If you are still having trouble, please get in touch with our special drain unblocking London team on 07902514205

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