Unfortunately blocked drains and sinks are a common household problem in the UK that can cause frustration and inconvenience.

Understanding the causes of drain blockages can help homeowners prevent them from happening in the first place. In this article, we explore the most common causes of blocked household drains and sinks, and provide tips on how to avoid them.

Most Common Causes of Blocked Household Drains and Sinks

Grease, Fat, and Oil Buildup – The buildup of cooking oil, grease, and fat in drains can cause blockages over time. These substances can solidify and create a sticky substance that clogs pipes and traps other debris. You might also find that your sinks emit a foul smell.

Foreign Objects – Non-degradable items such as wipes, sanitary products, and paper towels are frequently flushed down toilets or washed down sinks, causing blockages. We’ve also seen items like paper clips and similar objects that can get stuck in pipework and cause blockages to build up over time. 

Hair – Hair is another common cause of sink blockages, as it can accumulate in pipes and create blockages. This is likely to build up over a long period of time and might be aided by the hair getting caught on other foreign objects that might also be lodged in the pipework.

Soap Scum – The buildup of soap scum can also cause blockages over time.

Poor Drain Maintenance – A lack of regular drain maintenance can lead to blockages as debris and buildup accumulate in pipes.

Tips to Avoid Blocked Household Drains and Sinks

Proper Disposal of Cooking Oil, Grease, and Fat – Homeowners should avoid pouring cooking oil, grease, and fat down the sink. Instead, they should allow the substances to cool and solidify before disposing of them in the trash. We recommend using a kitchen towel to mop up excess oil before disposing of it in the dustbin. 

Avoid Flushing Foreign Objects – Homeowners should avoid flushing non-degradable items down the toilet and use sink strainers to catch hair and other debris. According to Thames Water, they clear around 75,000 blockages from their sewers each year. Many of these are caused by items like wet wipes, sanitary items and cotton pads that can’t break down. When they’re flushed down the loo, they combine with cooking fats and oils, eventually blocking pipes. This can force raw sewage back up drains, plugholes, and toilets and into homes.

Regular Drain Cleaning and Maintenance – Homeowners should schedule regular drain cleaning and maintenance with our engineers at LA Drainage. This will ensure you prevent buildup and catch any potential issues early.

Other tips that might work but often times don’t include using:

Hot Water and Baking Soda – A mixture of hot water and baking soda can help break up soap scum buildup and keep drains flowing smoothly.

Vinegar and Baking Soda – A mixture of vinegar and baking soda can also be effective in breaking up grease and debris buildup.

In conclusion, blocked household drains and sinks can be frustrating, smelly and sometimes scary, but it’s a problem that can be easily prevented with the right maintenance and prevention measures.

By taking steps to properly dispose of cooking oil, grease, and fat, avoiding flushing foreign objects, and scheduling regular drain cleaning and maintenance, homeowners can avoid costly repairs and maintain healthy plumbing systems in their homes.
If you have a blocked drain in London or have a blocked sink in London please get in touch with our engineers by calling 07902514205 we are available 24 hours, seven days a week!

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